Monday, May 23, 2011

fan mail

My very first piece of fan mail.
The cover design Mr. Perkins is referring to is here.

'You wasted no time in attempting to insult/antagonize Steve Bach and 57% of Springs' voters with your lame, photoshopped May 19 edition…. so sly and cowardly…. your tactic against all the conservatives you hate so dearly. Better off to fear those who buy ink by the barrel - except that Steve Bach had the guts to tell you guys to cram it, and go print whatever nonsense you want to, like the pothead left-wing joke of a rag that you are! I had predicted an image of Steve Bach's head transplanted onto a body wearing a "wife beater t-shirt", holding a beer (Coors?!) in one hand, but I guess you are more "juvenile" than that. You would have done something similar if Skorman had won….. yeah, sure, I know. You could have depicted Skorman in a ridiculous gold suit, at the gay pride parade - no need for photoshopping!

Do you even get paid for the tripe you create, or are you just a bitter, "frustrated artist" and "useful idiot"? The Independent should publish the wages it pays, and see if Hightower would approve!

There is a reason that your insulting, contrived image is obviously not Steve Bach's body. You don't have to be one of his wives or anyone else who has ever seen him with his shirt off to know what that reason is, but since you (Sally Piette) are definitely "not the sharpest tool in the shed", I will just let you scratch your mangy liberal head over that one, as you try to think for a change. Hint: One doesn't need to be an "artist" (or an Adobe hack like yourself) to quickly spot the reason, either.

It must be so painful for you dwell here in this fortress of intolerance - Colorado Springs! The "Naked Mole Rat of Diversity" lost by 14 percentage points! Did you cry and gnash your teeth that night?

As you read this, photoshopped images I have created of YOU are being circulated, wide and far, across the internet… those satirical and obviously photoshopped images depict you as a sniper, a naked "performance artist", a vandal, a roadside bomber, a poisoner, the "wife beater", and much more…… all of my images convey the theme that you delight in causing damage without purpose or wit. The "Nihilistic Leftie" - my term…. learn to search for it!

And so, you witless twit, I commend you to your next (vapid and mindlessly anti-conservative) "art project"!'

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